The puppies continue to grow, sadly, no one wants them, so I have not figured out what to do with them all yet. Each is loved, each is named...OH DEAR ME !!
Cookie Face continues to get fat and sassy...she follows me all over when I am working in the barnyard, afraid she will miss something..
The donkey is learning to lead quite well now...he is rewarded by being out of the barnyard and getting to eat fresh greens, still loves his kisses, he is special..
We had to cut down the big tree out in the garden area, it had split, and left us no choice. Did not want it to fall on the neighbors area, so now it will continue to give to us and become firewood for next year, stacking it under the new barn area.
The strongest of the quail have survived, I do not think we will have them next year, the eggs are plentiful, but a headache to use and to peel....
Henny Penny still pecks the crap out of me when I try to feed her, but she is so beautiful...a mixture of all the ones we have owned, she is fat and sassy...
I have had one white and grey spotted dove born this year...occassionally, I will get one white one a year or less, but this one is mottled in color, and so pretty...
Will be glad when Spring gets here and we can get all the tarps off and fresh air inside the pens, they love the sunshine...
Bama had his feed bucket changed to a new location, and he does not like it one bit, so we will change it back this week . It is funny to watch the donkey hit the bucket with his nose and send a shower of feed down on him, makes Bama very unhappy though.
Jimbo is on his last legs, very weak at times, but he carries on, we lost Suzi Pig this past year. We will never have any more of them, but we have loved them while we have had them, they brought us laughs over the years.
Well, that catches us up for the past year and one month...soon we will be into February, the time is going so fast, I need to enjoy every day I have.....