My day started out so nicely....sun out, but the weather was cool. Windy, but not untolerable. I checked on the quail and was thrilled to find our first egg ! They are so cute....

They love those broken flower pots, and they love to lay under the heat lamp. They are so gentle, you can pick them up, and have to shoo them out of the way when you walk.

I worked in the garden, filling the containers with top soil, getting ready to transplant the squash from the greenhouse, but the wind had really started to kick up and was blowing around, blowing bags and trash here and there. Benny worked most of the morning on the fence posts down at the western house, leveling and cementing them in so we can get the dogs contained behind a fence down there.
I fed and watered the rest of the menagerie in the barnyard, checked to make sure the carpet piece on the old satellite dish, which is filled with water and minnows, was moist. Don't want to lose any of those precious bees. Usually I put a piece of wood in there so they can at least climb up and float and dry off if they fall in the water, which on occassion, they have done. The bees and I have an agreement..water for them, no stings for me...LOL.

By now there is a strong smell of smoke in the air, the winds are so high, and it brings back the memories of that terrible fire five years ago that devasteted our town. Cars and trucks are stopping, talking about the smoke, what is on fire, where is it, and we find out it is at Cottonwood, just about eight miles from us...everyone is in a sort of panic mood, people are watering their houses and lawns. The wind is fierce by now...the roof on the greenhouse began to pop back and forth, and then....part of the roof had flipped over the top....edges were flapping in the wind...

and now you can see the sky through the roof of the greenhouse.....

I think everyone in town was praying...the smoke was bad at times, the sky grey and the air hard to breathe, but all you can do is wait....and pray....and wait some more. The TV kept telling us about the fire, how bad it was, so many fires all over today...and we all wept to hear that a firefighter in another county not far from us had lost his life today, and three were injured fighting the fires. We kept praying the wind would slow and calm...and our prayers were answered by evening. The TV stated the fire in our area was under control if the wind stayed still, and our town was asked to stop watering houses as the firemen needed pressure to fill their tanks. We all run scared when we see fire or smoke around here.
Evening time, and all is calm, Praise the Lord for His blessings on us....
A smokey sky is going down....

and a lighter one replaces it.....

Bama the Llama is looking around and laughing at me with his big batty eyes and his overbite teeth...

And Buddy the cat wonders what all the fuss is about as he pops his head up....

May tomorrow be a calmer day, and may the rains come to ease our fears......