This piece of art swings in the wind...I painted it all red today, beats the rust it had all over has a big flat rock in the center to make the body, old washers form the eyes...just too cute...
And here is Jimmy, the donkey this morning, meeting me at the gate...KISSES, KISSES, he brays...LOL
The baby quail are growing so fast. They love those old broken flower pots to hide in...the heat from the lamp keeps them warm as well...
They are just so cute. It is hard to believe that in four weeks they will be laying eggs....
The Yellow Squash and my tomatoes are coming up.....
And the Mung Beans are sprouting. I have ordered fresh seed, as this was from a couple years ago. But they are still sprouting !!
I have ordered another Sprouter plus more seeds to sprout. I hate the price of Spinach and Lettuce at the store. Wish I could wiggle my nose and mine would be ready to eat...I have to keep from nibbling in the greenhouse...LOL
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