There are so many Blackbirds at the new house. They live in the top of a tall pine tree in the front yard. We have had some high winds, and when you go outside, you will find their nests fallen down to the ground. There is one Grackle in particular..every time I see her, she is pulling grass and weeds, she is the nest builder. She will pick around, pile them up, put them in her beak, and off she goes to build another nest. I had to laugh one day as I looked up at the tree...pieces of shredded white long plastic were blowing in the wind like a wind directional. She is quite a character. She dares the dogs to try to stop her from bathing in their dog bowl. She is out in the yard every day.
I love this picture of dark thirty....if you look really,really hard, you can barely make out the black images of the birds in the very tip top of the tree.....

After a hard rain, you can find all the low spots.. and the birds love to bathe in the puddled rain.....
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