Saturday, January 5, 2013

January 2013

Time........the moving finger writes, and having writ, moves on....and I feel so much older as the days go by....trying to get things done for the New Year...and lists of what I need to do....but I am older, and slower, and can only do so much....
Decided to move my craft building down here to the newer house....did not want to leave it on the rental property, in case I decided to sell it somewhere down the road...finder a mover has not been easy....the funniest part of it newest RENTER moves he said he would do it, and we agreed, and then we had snow, and rain, and fog...but he was not the move began this morning.... First...moving out the cinder blocks and putting pipes under the building... Photobucket Turning the building....... Getting it onto the trailer... Photobucket . And down the road we went,..... Photobucket Backing over the culvert in front of our place...WOW...Daniel is a fantastic driver.... Photobucket Getting it blocked up again ...... Photobucket And finally it is home where it will stay........ Photobucket With a big thanks to the guys who came to help out...and to Daniel....what a blessing to have it down to reassemble all the stuff I had moved out....LOL


  1. Wow, what an adventure. Love your little craft building. Maybe you could share some pictures of the inside when you get it reassembled?

  2. Will do...have boxes everywhere...and still boxes inside..LOL..will keep me out of mischief

  3. I love it! Can't wait to see it when you have things all settled!
