The 2 turkeys "Christmas" and "Thanksgiving":
Now my mother, being an intelligent woman, decided to get 2 turkeys and name them "Thanksgiving" and "Christmas" for the day they would be eaten. She , of course, pampered these critters, calling them by name, petting and coddling them, feeding them to make them fat and whistle to make them run to her. Well....2 males in the same yard? Um , no. So showing his prowness, around November, 'Thanksgiving' killed 'Christmas'. Which meant we had to eat him for Thanksgiving, which for the other turkey, meant a reprieve. Only I (Debra) had to pluck the dead bird...not having any idea what I was doing, nor have I EVER plucked a bird. How hard could it be?
Oh...let me count the ways! First, I had no trouble with the smaller feathers, as they easily came out with a yank. But on the bigger feathers, I had to use a pair of pliers ....it was awful! Secondly, did you know there was stuff that leaked out the end of feathers?? GROSS! Especially for a teenager.
Needless to say, I will never have a 'traditional' Thanksgiving...From now on, I will buy turkey de-feathered and ready to cook.... Oh I forgot the rest of the story!....I bet you were asking yourself, "What ever happened to "Thanksgiving"? My mother became too attached to him to eat him, so ...he became a pet, and later on, she gave him to a friend so he could live out his days with other females....
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