Took the dogs out early this morning and it was drizzling blessed we are, we really need the moisture. It has been very cool here as well this morning, and the weather report is for 36 -37 degrees tonight...
We have worked most of the day putting tarps up around the baby quail cage to try to keep heat in...and I bought two more heat lamps. I don't want to lose any of them. The man that sold these to us said he lost some due to the weather, they bunched up on him. They look pretty cozy to me at the moment, and I know the cold wind will not be as bad with the tarps around the big cage...
I trimmed pretty drastically on my Wisteria arbor a couple weeks ago. I have had it more than seven years and it has never guess what ?..Yes, it bloomed, and I cut some of the blooms off evidentally, thinking it was just the tree branches coming out...but you can see how pretty the wisteria blossoms are...
A quick trip around the place showed some surprises...the plum tree made the last cold spell...look at the baby plums ! This is such a wonderful tree...
The wild bluebonnets are peeking out of the grass...they are so beautiful...
Jimmy, the donkey, is busy trimming off the plums...Bad..bad...he will have to
be locked out very soon or he will have more than his share. I noticed he had trimmed down my cherry tree as well.
A trip to the greenhouse to check on my new tree...I bought a Lime Tree..can't wait to see the blooms on it...
I also started some mung bean sprouts in my 3 tier sprouter for later this week...
And I have to show off one of my pretty roosters...I have several of these left..they are second generation Silkie/Cochan cross...
My white silkie is kept caged with his two hens..they hate each other..the colored rooster is alway telling him off, but they do not fight through the fence.
Button is growing so fast...look at her ears ! and Dapper is being bad..they love to chew up paper all over the house, think it is such fun...
And I will close with one of my favorite meals this week...the Taiwan Pea Shoots fixed in salad with strawberries, left-over chicken, and drizzled with Poppy Seed Dressing...definitely a winner....