Today has been a very busy day....working in the greenhouse to see what I can accomplish different this year from last...I have all the seed planters ready to go and I bought some plants today to get an early start. But first, let me open the door for you to come in for a visit...the door blew off this week and is in a sad state of repair, but it is good enough for my needs...
I love the peaceful feeling of working in here..I keep the radio on as well, I love to listen to talk radio....
And I did find some beautiful plants..and I love to put Marigolds around my tomatoes..I think it helps with any bugs...
These are zucchini....and there is also parsley seeds in the soil which have yet to come up...
And this is okra...tomatoes fill the pots behind...there are Spinach seeds yet in the soil which will come up later...
And now onto the second work in progress today. We are going to raise quail for eggs and meat. They have been hatching out at a friend's incubator this week, and hopefully we will be set up for them by next week. It is a big job. First, I had to move the chickens out, pull out all the metal nest bins, pull out the roost. Then we had to pull up all the metal we had down under the wire, and dig out all around the pen to begin the new task of putting tin down into the ground so the quail cannot get out, and nothing can get in....including snakes. We are doubling the wire we have on the old cage as well.
I also broke the shovel working today, so had to buy a new one. We put large washers on the shovel so we will not tear up our shoes when we push down on great, and works for us....
The metal is now all around the pen for a windbreak...still need to reinforce some of the wire at the top of the cages. The roof is good, no problems there...have a thick extension cord running across the top of my cages. I need to put warming lights inside the cage yet, and set up my feeders and waterers. I could not believe how tame my friend's quail were, I picked them up in my hands. They were just so cute. Can't wait to get my own..
And so today's work comes to a close...tomorrow is another day...
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