The baby quail grow so fast. Sadly, Teeny Weeny did not make it past this afternoon. It was the tinest of them all, and did not seem to thrive. I had hopes the little one would make it, but he did not. The other quail are so calm, they just move about inside the big pen, they love to get under the broken flower pots I put in there, I think they feel safe...
I decided on fixing a big Chef Salad for supper tonight, so today, I cut the Taiwan Peas in the greenhouse. I am so happy with them, will order more from Cook's Gardens.
I am amazed at how fast they grew....and now they are ready to be cut.....
I left a leaf on each stem, will see how these regrow since I have cut them...
The Blue Lake Beans are sprouting and coming up.....
I laughed at Cocoa Bunny and the Silkies...they seem to be telling each other secrets......
And Suzi Pig always wants to untie my shoe laces and lick my shoes...she loves to tell me little pig jokes in pig latin, but I don't know when to laugh....
She is so old and wrinkled. At times, she cannot get up, so I just "roll the pig" so to speak until I can get her back up...then she grunts at me and goes about her day. Tonight is calm and peaceful, and I realize just how blessed I am....I love to see all the buds of green appearing on the trees, and the birds are so busy. A beautiful red cardinal was at the feeder today. Yes, He colors my world with His love...all we have to do is be still.....and listen to the feel Him near....
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