I love to walk about the barnyard and see what everything is doing...There are always wild birds around the area, singing in the trees, building nests, and I love the mockingbird that drives my neighbor crazy. He cusses that poor bird out, and I just laugh and love the sounds he makes. He has mimicked the baby quail this week. He is so convincing, I even double checked to make sure none of them were out.
Old Jimbo was out and about the barnyard. He makes little oinky sounds. He scares some with those tusks, but he will let you scratch all round his nose while he makes his piggy sounds. He loves to have the water hosed on him during the hot summer months.
The Silkies were pecking about...there are about a dozen eggs in the nest box, I am hoping they will go broody very soon. I only have one Silkie/Cochan mix left, the little grey hen.
The Doves have nests all over....they love the old flower baskets the best, but one has two new babies in one of the nest boxes.
A feathered out baby...
Newly hatched out babies...
Cookie Face loves to lay on the old steps of my trailer house where I have my stained glass shop...I love to see the wind blow her long chin hairs...she reminds me of an oreo cookie...
Bama is enjoying the fresh green grass that has come up in the barnyard. He is such a magnificent animal. He is loved here. He is still stand-offish, will not come to me. He will follow me all over the barnyard.
Boogie Bear and Buddy love to see me...they jump up so high, I have to laugh at them. They know they are safe here. They are my protectors.
The last I checked out in the barnyard, Suzi and Jimbo were fast asleep, they are both so old, we have had them for years.....
And so my tour of early morning is over. I would rather stay out here than anywhere. I have to laugh when I think of the sights I have seen...who else has been in the middle of a whirlwind of chicken feathers, or had the leaves fall quickly down on them from the trees, the secret birdnest in the Mimosa Tree, the minnows in the antenna dish, so many secrets. The bees that come for water every day at the antenna
dish waterer, we have a pact. I will give you a drink, but you better not sting me. In summer, the dragonflies flit about with such beauty. Life is peaceful in my barnyard.
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